SOLACE: Soul + Grief

Light and Shadows in Sorrow

Candee Lucas Season 4 Episode 8

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This episode delves into the profound nature of love experienced during times of grief.  Explore imaginative prayer, the unbroken bonds of love, and how to find healing amid sorrow.

• Explore imaginative prayer for comfort 
• Understand the unbroken bond of love 
• Contemplate the nature of love and grief 
• Embrace uncertainty and the space for healing 
• Reach out for spiritual support

As you listen, consider sending me your thoughts and questions on grief, both spiritual and practical, so we can walk this path together.


You can reach us at: to arrange personal spiritual direction and for questions and concerns.
Music and sound effects today by:   via Pixabay


Thank you. I welcome you to Solace Soul Plus Grief. My name's Candee Lucas and I'm a grief chaplain. I accompany those who are grieving any kind of loss and I ask that you let me accompany you today. You're always welcome in this circle of healing, love and support. Remember, St. Ignatius used imaginative prayer for healing and for the glorification of God. Imagine, if you will, you get one day with Jesus on earth and it is his last day, and he takes that last day to comfort you. The last time I saw him, I saw Jesus on earth was at the beach.


He was leaving that day, ascending, and we walked along the beach, not far from where the Apostles had gathered for their breakfast of fish. The smoke from the small fire was visible and their figures were visible and we could hear their voices. But he spoke to me gently, without words. This is our end on this earth. I leave you today but carry you deeply in my heart as you carry me deeply in yours. That is a bond unbroken, that is a bond for all ages, Alpha to Omega.


It is a chord that you will always hear, a chord you can play, a chord that repeats itself over and over and over and reverberates out into the great heavens. Remember this, my sister, remember how close we are. And I say to him without speaking Rabbi, rabbi, you have shown me love. You are the embodiment of love, all the love on earth, all the love in the universe, all the love created up till now and all the love that will be created. Your flesh is made of stardust. It has grown opaque these last days. You are almost shining to me now and though my heart is breaking and will break forevermore for the loss of you, for the loss of your presence, that love will sustain me.


That love will nourish me. That love will enfold me, nurture me, follow me all the days of my life. For many years, before I met you, I carried a lie in my life. I believed it to be a lie, but now I've come to believe it was more of a question. Can you ever question love, a tiny love or an enormous one, a deep love or a shallow love?


Remember. The dream of love is real. The dream is perfect and the love is perfect. When our hearts break, we make room for the not knowing. Betrayals are imagined. Walk with me today, Pray with me here. Keep your light around me just a little longer In your center. Now I lay me down to sleep. That concludes this week's episode. You can find us on Apple, Spotify or Amazon. Please feel free to send any questions you might have about grieving to my email. In the show notes I'll try to answer any questions you have in the future. Remember I'm always available for spiritual direction by Zoom to those who are grieving. Please reach out to me if you have this need. Be safe. Travel with God always at your side. Vaya con Dios.

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