SOLACE:  Soul + Grief Artwork

SOLACE: Soul + Grief

This podcast is sponsored by SOULPLUSGRACE serving the San José area, offering grief support and grief journeying with spirituality.  I hope to help you travel through grief with God at your side. 

"I am a trained Spiritual Director for those who seek to complete the 19th Annotation of St. Igantius’ spiritual exercises OR seek spiritual direction while grieving.  I have also worked as a hospital/cemetery chaplain and grief doula. I believe all paths lead to God and that all traditions are due respect and honour. I take my sacred inspiration from all of my patients and companions–past, present and future; the Dalai Lama, James Tissot, St. John of the Cross, the Buddha, Saint Teresa of Ávila, and, of course, Íñigo who became known as St. Ignatius. I utilize art, poetry, music, aromatherapy, yoga, lectio divina, prayer and meditation in my self-work and work with others. I believe in creating a sacred space for listening; even in the most incongruous of surroundings."


CONTACT ME: with questions to be answered in future episodes.

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