SOLACE: Soul + Grief
This podcast is sponsored by SOULPLUSGRACE serving the San José area, offering grief support and grief journeying with spirituality. I hope to help you travel through grief with God at your side.
"I am a trained Spiritual Director for those who seek to complete the 19th Annotation of St. Igantius’ spiritual exercises OR seek spiritual direction while grieving. I have also worked as a hospital/cemetery chaplain and grief doula. I believe all paths lead to God and that all traditions are due respect and honour. I take my sacred inspiration from all of my patients and companions–past, present and future; the Dalai Lama, James Tissot, St. John of the Cross, the Buddha, Saint Teresa of Ávila, and, of course, Íñigo who became known as St. Ignatius. I utilize art, poetry, music, aromatherapy, yoga, lectio divina, prayer and meditation in my self-work and work with others. I believe in creating a sacred space for listening; even in the most incongruous of surroundings."
- Jesuit Retreat Center, Los Altos, CA -- Pierre Favre Program, 3 year training to give the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius
- Centro de Espiritualidad de Loyola, Spain -- The Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola -- 30 Day Silent Retreat/
- Center for Loss & Life Transition – Comprehensive Bereavement Skills Training (30 hrs) Ft. Collins, CO
- California State University Institute for Palliative Care--Palliative Care Chaplaincy Specialty Cert. (90 hrs)
- Sequoia Hospital, Redwood City, CA -- Clinical Pastoral Education
- 19th Annotation with Fumiaki Tosu, San Jose, CA, Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
- Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA M.A. – Pastoral Ministries
CONTACT ME: candeelucas@soulplusgrace.com with questions to be answered in future episodes.
SOLACE: Soul + Grief
Guided by Love Through the Shadows
What if our deepest sorrows could transform into profound spiritual growth? Let us share experiences with those who mourn, offering insights on how God’s unwavering love can guide us through the darkest times. Today, I reflect on the resilience found in faith and community, particularly during devastating events like the recent fires in Los Angeles. This episode invites us to reassess what truly matters—family, home, and those small, cherished moments that weave the fabric of our lives.
Drawing wisdom from scripture, explore passages from Isaiah and Psalm 66, discovering the assurance of divine presence amidst trials. I discuss the overwhelming nature of loss and how it ultimately draws us closer to God’s abundant love and healing.
As you listen, consider sending me your thoughts and questions on grief, both spiritual and practical, so we can walk this path together.
You can reach us at: candeelucas@soulplusgrace.com to arrange personal spiritual direction and for questions and concerns.
Music and sound effects today by: via Pixabay
Thank you, welcome to Solace Soul Plus Grief. My name is Candee Lucas and I'm a grief chaplain. Since 2009, I've been accompanying all those who suffer loss or grief. Those who are mourning continue to mourn. I believe that God accompanies us always and is interested in our spiritual health and well-being and will accompany us on this journey, that he is always available for healing, love and support. Please let me accompany you today and let us remind ourselves how God is there for healing. Please remember we are on this journey together.
Candee:I heard someone say to me once in a grief session I can't take any more loss. I thought about that sentiment. I thought long and hard about that sentiment, because we are always asked to regard our own resilience to things that happen in our life to take into consideration God's love, our love for the people that surround us, that see us through. But sometimes, if we take time to notice, we notice that loss continues and sometimes they might be piled one upon the other. I'm thinking of the fires in Los Angeles right now and the devastation this has brought to people's lives, and it's true every time we have a natural catastrophe that we take that moment to re-examine our choices, re-examine what is important to us in our lives, what brings meaning? Obviously, what brings meaning is family and home and relationships, and what that all means, and the fact that we wrap it up in a place that we call home gives us a shortcut to those feelings of belonging and love and warmth and growth and happiness and sorrow, holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and just breakfast together or Sunday dinner, and so it reminds me again that it is these small things, the small moments, that add up together to a life that we miss, and that when we are uprooted from those small moments, it can be so devastating and disorienting.
Candee:I remember in a fire, a wildfire we had here in California several years ago, that they had to bring in specially trained dogs to discover the human ashes that people had been keeping in their houses for a long period of time, or maybe a short period of time, while they decided what to do with them finally, or maybe they were keeping them there permanently, and somehow, miraculously, these specially trained dogs can identify human remains over the ashes of structures, and so people were able to regain something that they lost again. It is the very nature of loss and the suffering that may surround that loss, that brings us to God, that brings us closer to God, that makes us, that reminds us how much we need him, how much we need the healing love that surrounds us, even when we don't know it's quite there. And so I think of the fires in our heart, the fires on those hills, the wind that makes them unnatural, but all add up to this overwhelming loss. It makes one wonder about the presence of God, so many different times and spaces and losses. And the lesson of these is yes, God abides, faith abides, hope abides, love abides. Isaiah tells us that when you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you. When you walk through fire, you shall not be burned and the flame shall not consume you. God speaks to us through the prophet Isaiah and continues --Fear not, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name, you are mine. And in Psalm 66, verse 12, we are reassured you let men ride over our heads. We went through fire and through water, yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance.-- Yes, it's very difficult to take that message away when we are in the throes of grief and loss and mourning. Yet it is a reminder, albeit a harsh one it a harsh one that along with the suffering comes God's love and healing and that the healing and the love should have the emphasis, not the suffering. That concludes another episode.
Candee:You can find this podcast on Apple, Spotify and Amazon. Please do send your questions and your thoughts about grief and mourning and your struggles, both spiritual and practical, to my email address. In the show notes it's Candee Lucas. That's one word, small case, Candee, c-a-n-d-e-e-l-u-c-a-s. At soulplusgracecom, that's S-O-U-L-P-L-U-S-G-R-A-C-E dot com. I'll try to answer them in future episodes and be your on-call chaplain. Be safe as you travel with God. Be gentle with yourselves. Vaya con Dios.