SOLACE: Soul + Grief
This podcast is sponsored by SOULPLUSGRACE serving the San José area, offering grief support and grief journeying with spirituality. I hope to help you travel through grief with God at your side.
"I am a trained Spiritual Director for those who seek to complete the 19th Annotation of St. Igantius’ spiritual exercises OR seek spiritual direction while grieving. I have also worked as a hospital/cemetery chaplain and grief doula. I believe all paths lead to God and that all traditions are due respect and honour. I take my sacred inspiration from all of my patients and companions–past, present and future; the Dalai Lama, James Tissot, St. John of the Cross, the Buddha, Saint Teresa of Ávila, and, of course, Íñigo who became known as St. Ignatius. I utilize art, poetry, music, aromatherapy, yoga, lectio divina, prayer and meditation in my self-work and work with others. I believe in creating a sacred space for listening; even in the most incongruous of surroundings."
- Jesuit Retreat Center, Los Altos, CA -- Pierre Favre Program, 3 year training to give the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius
- Centro de Espiritualidad de Loyola, Spain -- The Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola -- 30 Day Silent Retreat/
- Center for Loss & Life Transition – Comprehensive Bereavement Skills Training (30 hrs) Ft. Collins, CO
- California State University Institute for Palliative Care--Palliative Care Chaplaincy Specialty Cert. (90 hrs)
- Sequoia Hospital, Redwood City, CA -- Clinical Pastoral Education
- 19th Annotation with Fumiaki Tosu, San Jose, CA, Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
- Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA M.A. – Pastoral Ministries
CONTACT ME: candeelucas@soulplusgrace.com with questions to be answered in future episodes.
SOLACE: Soul + Grief
What the Dead Ask of Us
Have you ever felt the lingering presence of a loved one after they've passed on? We can create a sacred space where we honor their lives, embrace the changes their absence brings, and find guidance through faith and love. Through heartfelt reflections; and, inspired by the wisdom of Psalm 143, we uncover the essence of what the deceased ask of us: to remember them fully, to celebrate their lives, and to cherish their presence in our hearts.
Be sure to subscribe to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, or Spotify.
You can reach us at: candeelucas@soulplusgrace.com to arrange personal spiritual direction.
Music and sound effects today by: via Pixabay.
We welcome you to Solace: Soul Plus Grief. I'm glad you're here. I'm Candy Lucas, a Jesuit trained Catholic chaplain and spiritual director, and I've been involved with a bereavement ministry since 2009. We know that loss can make profound changes in people's lives. We understand how difficult it is to travel this path of grief and how important and monumental the loss of a loved one can be. So we created this podcast to help you walk with God as you grieve your losses, understand what's happening in your heart and soul as you grieve. To be available in the best way we can to accompany you on this journey. You're always welcome in this circle of healing, love and support.
Candee:This is what the dead asks of us. The dead ask to be remembered. To be remembered for their life in full, to be remembered for the love they created in this life, the relationships, the warmth, the memories, the songs and places and things of their lives here. This is what the dead asks of us; that their lives be remembered, that their lives be celebrated. That their hearts be remembered and kept closely in your heart. This is what the dead asks of us; that we be mournful when it is time to mourn. That we be mournful when it is time to mourn, that we be joyful when it is time for joy. That we always recall and remember and embrace their memory with love and hope and the jewel of understanding. Understanding how their lives were woven into ours, understanding how their days were melded with our days, understanding how their footsteps still surround us, how sometimes we can feel their breath. This is what the dead ask of us; that their hearts be held in our hearts, that their memories be held in our memories, that their lives and treasure of their lives be held dear in a special place in our hearts. So this is what the dead asks of us; is what God asks of us in Psalm 143.
Candee:O Lord, hear my prayer. Give ear to my plea, as you are faithful. Answer me as you are beneficent. Do not enter into judgment with your servant, for before you no creature is in the right. My spirit failed me. Then I thought of the days of old. I rehearsed all your deeds, recounted the work of your hands. I stretched out my hands to you, longing for you like thirsty earth. Answer me quickly, O Lord. My spirit can endure no more. Do not hide your face or I shall become like those who descend. Let me learn of your faithfulness by daybreak, for in you I trust. Let me know the road I must take, for on you I have set my hope. O Lord, save me. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Let your gracious spirit lead me on level ground. For the sake of your name, O Lord, preserve me, as you are beneficent. Free me from distress, as you are faithful. Put an end to my foes, as you are faithful, for I am your servant. That concludes another episode.
Candee:A new one drops every Friday. Please join us on Spotify, amazon Music or Apple. Thank you for joining us. Spiritual direction is always available. See my contact email in the show notes. This is Candee Lucas, your host, chaplain and spiritual director. Go with God. Namaste; Vaya con Dios.