SOLACE: Soul + Grief

Grieving in the Face of Evil-- Saying Kaddish

Candee Lucas Season 2 Episode 44

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Today we honor those who've tragically lost their lives to hate and violence, expressing our heartfelt solidarity with a centuries-old Jewish ritual of comfort, Kaddish. This episode is a tribute to the resilience and fortitude of the Jewish community worldwide and a profound reflection on our collective yearning for peace.  Join us on this journey of healing, fueled by faith, prayer, and a mutual desire for reconciliation.

"Saying Kaddish: How to Comfort the Dying, Bury the Dead, and Mourn as a Jew "

Beloved New York Times bestselling author and award-winning journalist--Anita Diamant—the definitive guide to Judaism’s end-of-life rituals, revised and updated for Jews of all backgrounds and beliefs.
From caring for the dying to honoring the dead, Anita Diamant explains the Jewish practices that make mourning a loved one an opportunity to experience the full range of emotions—grief, anger, fear, guilt, relief—and take comfort in the idea that the memory of the deceased is bound up in our lives and actions.

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To arrange personal spiritual direction:  408-359-5542

Our theme music is:  Gentle Breeze by Yeti Music from the album "Uppbeat".
Additional Music today by:   via Pixabay


Welcome to Solace: Soul + Grief. I'm Candee Lucas, your host, and this podcast is brought to you by Catholic Cemeteries from the Diocese of San Jose. When we started this ministry, we had hoped to reach out to those who were grieving, assist them along their trail of grief, helping them identify where God was moving with them in their grief journey, and offer some kind of solace and support. We're glad you're here. You're always welcome in our circle of love and healing. Recently, the world experienced another terror event and savagery and evil were visited upon the people of Israel. So today's podcast is dedicated to those who died and are grieving their loss and indeed the entire Jewish people who have suffered and are suffering under this mantle of hate that has surrounded them for millennia. So as we get into this podcast, we will be saying Kaddish, which is Judaism's time-honored ritual a personal, meaningful source of comfort. "Exalted and sanctified be his great name In the world which he created according to his will. May he establish his kingdom and may his salvation blossom and his anointed be near During your lifetime and during your days and during the lifetime of all the house of Israel, speedily and very soon, and say Amen. Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored, adored and lauded be the name of the Holy One. Blessed be he above and beyond all blessings, hymns, praises and consolations that are uttered in the world. And say Amen. May there be abundant peace from heaven and good life, satisfaction, help, comfort, refuge, healing, redemption, forgiveness, atonement, relief and salvation for us and for all his people, upon us and upon all Israel. And say Amen. May he who makes peace in his high places, grant in his mercy peace upon us and upon all his nation, israel. And say Amen. These prayers are taken from a book by Anita Dimit and are from various authors, and I will leave more specific information in the show notes.


As I prepared today's podcast, I listened to various experts about the situation in the Middle East, the situation between the Israelis, Palestinians, and terrorism in the Arab world in general, and become so astounded at the way peace does not move forward. In fact, it cannot grow in the desert of hate. So this Kaddish is by Everett Fox: "May it be magnified and may it be sanctified. God's great name. Amen In the world whose creation God willed. May God's dominion be fulfilled in your life and in your days and in the life of the whole house of Israel, and soon and near in time and say Amen. May God's great name be praised forever and ever and ever. May it be praised and may it be blessed and may it be honored, and may it be upraised and may it be elevated, may it be glorified and may it be exalted and may it be extolled the name of the Holy One. Praise be God Beyond all words of praise, words of song, words of blessing and words of comfort that can be uttered in this world, and say Amen, may there be great peace from heaven and life for us all and for Israel.


And say Amen, maker of peace in the abode on high, and may God make peace for us and for all Israel. And say Amen, hallowed and enhanced may he be throughout the world of his own creation. May God cause his sovereignty to be accepted during our life and the life of all Israel. And let us say Amen. May he be praised throughout all time, glorified and celebrated, lauded and praised, acclaimed and honored, extolled and exalted. May the Holy One be for beyond all song and song, beyond all tribute which man can utter, and let us say Amen. Let there be abundant peace from heaven, with life's goodness, for us all and for all the people Israel. And let us say Amen. He who brings peace to his universe will bring peace to us and to all the people of Israel. And let us say Amen." that conditions from the Maxor, exalted and hallowed. Be God's greatness in this world of your creation. May your will be fulfilled and your sovereignty revealed in the days of our lifetime and the life of the whole house of Israel, speedily and soon. And say Amen. May you be blessed forever, even to all eternity. May you, most holy one, be blessed, praised and honored, extolled and glorified, adored and exalted above all else. Blessed are you, beyond all blessings and hands, praises and consolations that may be uttered in this world. And say Amen, may peace be abundant, may peace abundant to send from heaven with life for us and for all Israel. And say Amen, may God who makes peace on high bring peace to us and to all Israel. And say Amen. This condition is by Marge Percy.


"Look around us, search above us, be low behind. We stand in a great web of being together, of being joined together. Let us praise, let us love the life we are lent, passing through us, in the body of Israel and our own bodies. Let's say Amen. Time flows through us like water the past and the dead speak through us. We breathe out our children's children Blessing. Blessed is the earth from which we flow. Blessed the life we are lent. Blessed the ones who teach us. Blessed the ones we teach. Blessed is the word, yet cannot say the glory that shines through us and remains to shine, flowing past distant suns on the way to forever. Let's say amen. Blessed is the light, blessed is darkness, but blessed above all else's peace which bears the fruits of knowledge on strong branches. Let's say amen. Peace that bears joy into the world, peace that enables love, peace over Israel everywhere. Blessed and holy is peace. Let's say amen.


And this last Kaddish is by Hiam Plutzik: "Render greatness and holiness to the mighty name of God throughout the world, which he has created according to his will. May his kingdom flower in your time and in the time the whole house of Israel quickly, soon. And to this let us say amen. May his mighty name be blessed for eternity. Cry laudation and honor to that holy name, which is above all the praises and adorings of our world and all its consolations. And to this let us say amen. May our prayers be answered. May the supplications of all Israel find favor with our Father in heaven. And to this let us say amen. May his heavenly peace touch us. May long and good life be given to us and all Israel. May he who establishes his peace on the heights bring peace and comforting also to us and to all Israel, and to this let us say amen."


This last prayer, Kaddish, is especially for the babies and is taken from Psalm 121. "I will lift up my eyes into the mountains. What is the source of my help? My help comes from Adonai, maker of heaven and earth. Ever watchful, you guide my steps. Guardian of Israel, you never slumber or sleep. Always near us, you protect us in daylight and moonlight. You are our strength against evil, guarding our lives. You watch over our going and coming from moment to moment, beyond forever. And let us say amen. One can only imagine the tears of God shed that day as those lives were ended by evil. God's arms received them, surrounded them, took them to His bosom and comforts their souls for eternity. That concludes another episode. Please support us by subscribing on Spotify, amazon Music, apple Podcasts or Google Podcast. We always welcome your comments and feedback. Remember, spiritual direction is always available through Catholic cemeteries. I'm Candi Lucas, chaplain, aftercare coordinator and spiritual director at Catholic cemeteries. You can reach us through the email or telephone number in the show notes. Be gentle with yourselves. Travel safely with God. Vi against this you.